About Sahaja yoga

     Shri Nirmala Shrivastava is a doctor of medicine and philosophy, Honorary Academician of Russia, awarded the World medal of Organization of United Nations for humankind service. In 1997 her name was put down by Joint International Fund in the list of the Greatest people of Planet.
     The gist of Shri Matagi study is easy. Inside of us there is a great hidden power that is the sense of our life. The power is an energy given us with birth that in translation means Sahaja (born with you).
     Sahaja yoga is a contemporary, unique method of cultural intelligence and development, that allows to open all human abilities and humanness.
     Sahaja yoga is also a medicine based on ancient knowledge of the East proved my modern science.
     Sahaja yoga is an ever-living source of our welfare joy, a true way to happiness for every age without exercises and poses, that takes a little time.

“You wouldn't understand the sense
of your life till you
join the energy that
created you„.

     Inside of us there is a keen energy system that consists of five psyche-energy centers and three canals disposed along the backbone.
     In the heart there is Spirit and on the bottom there is the vital power Kundalini. If any element of keen plan is out of work the man has problems with health, in relations with other people, inner discomfort.
     Sahaja yoga is a union of individual Spirit and all-pervading energy of divine Love. The union is achieved by arousal and rising of Kundalini through canals and centers with the help of methods opened by Shri Mataji Shrivastava.
      In the result one can feel the world through vibrations, feel the centers, can define useful and harmful things, knows how to protect oneself form negative external influence.
     Using accessible methods one can clear the centers and therethrough solve all the problems.
     Sahaja yoga helps to get off all the diseases and reveal all the best of our foundation. Pernicious habits are liquidated automatically.
     People dealing in Sahaja yoga gradually become source of composure, enjoyment and love. Sahaja yoga is a way of mankind save from degradation and selfdestruction as it awakes best humanness.
     Sahaja yoga is not purely Indian study. It belongs to all the humankind. Many nations in old times knew the bases of Sahaja yoga.
     As the archaeological researches show the knowledge of Kundalini was widely used on the territory of the Ukraine and Russia.
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